Currently, the insurance model of psychotherapy is focused on diagnosis of illness. I choose not to participate in this illness framework with my clients. I prefer the positive. Do we all have challenges at times? Yes. Is there dis-ease to move forward from? Often. Do we break and need help to be put back together? Yes, humans are breakable. And beautiful.
I prefer to focus on what is right with us. We can focus on strengths like kindness, perseverance, or curiosity. We can even make a focus on the positive as intention and give it our attention. For example, a gratitude practice (setting aside time every day to remember and/or document people, things, or experiences for which you are grateful) has been shown to improve mental health. Some therapists focus on identifying a label for an illness. I prefer to help you create a way forward with a focus of positivity. This can be so much more impactful.