Sometimes life gets away from us. The rythm of modern life can be soooo fast. I love summertime, because it can give us an excuse to slow down! And by slowing down we can take some time for nurturing ourselves and reflecting on our spiritual life. And that, alone, is reason for celebration.
There are those big celebrations with fireworks or cake or gifts. And then there are those (maybe, more important) celebrations that are quiet and sacred. To find these celebrations, we need to slow down. When you take the time to reflect on your growth, it's like you are telling yourself, "I am worthy of joy. I am worthy of recognition. My life is a reason for celebration". This kind of celebration may be as simple appreciating a sunset, swaying to a favorite song, or carving out the time and space for a dear friend.
Making a moment a celebration with itself is a step toward living in the now and that is a step toward internal peace. You are deserving of every joy that life has to offer. You can spend the time to celebrate you.