Have you ever experienced feelings of loneliness? It might not necessarily be due to spending time alone. I believe that true spiritual growth is reflected in the ability to be alone for extended periods without feeling lonely. On the other hand, a low vibrational state could manifest as a sense of loneliness even when surrounded by others.
Loneliness arises when you are not at peace with yourself. You seek external entertainment to avoid being alone with your thoughts. The feeling of loneliness emerges when these distractions fade away, leaving you alone with yourself. This discomfort often stems from a lack of self-love.
Once you tap into universal love, once you connect with the love of Source, being alone becomes effortless. When you realize that you are interconnected with the universe, you become endlessly fascinating to yourself. Distractions become unnecessary!
Understanding yourself is the essence of your existence. Embrace the discomfort of being without distractions. Immerse yourself in self-reflection. Listen closely. In the silence, you will hear the universe echoing within you.